Ascaso Big Dream T
Ascaso Big Dream T
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- Multi Group technology (on/off by group).
- Independent steam boiler. Stainless steel Aisi 316. Extremely sturdy. Large capacity.
- External Pid control each group.
- External timer for each group.
- Digital Display in each group Multiple functions. Total control.
- Thermal lagging on steam boiler and groups.
- Thermal stability (+- 0,5ºC).
- Dynamic preheating (coffee groups).
- Energy efficient (- 50%).
- High performance volumetric pump. Constant pressure even after a prolonged and simultaneous use of more groups.
- Powerful steamer (10 mm anti-lime scale tube. Stainless Steel. Cool touch).
- High-precision filters in AISI 304 stainless steel.
- Designed for baristas: joystick steam controls, LED in work area, 5 volume selections, Pid controls
- General display (touch screen). Double dose/selection hot water. Stainless steel double walled steam wand Ø12mm. Competition shower. Silicone filter holder gasket. Coffee tamper Walnut+Stainless steel.
2GR |
3GR |
W/h/d dimensions (mm) |
930/554/593 |
1189/554/593 |
Boiler power (230 v) |
5445 W 50-60Hz |
Weight (kg) |
71 |
93 |
Boiler Capacity (L) |
8.5 |
8.5 |